Air Source Heat Pump & Solar PV

Homeowners in Congleton, Cheshire make the transition to renewable energy, powering their home by an air source heat pump and a solar PV system.

Background- Air Source Heat Pump

Homeowners, the Brooks Family, moved to their semi-rural new home in Congleton, Cheshire and began to utilise their LPG heating system. It quickly became evident that their energy bills were running at almost £2500 per year and it was at this stage that the family began to look for alternative energy solutions.

The four bedroom detached property was constructed approximately 20 years ago and offers spacious family accommodation boasting two bathrooms and the usual complement of rooms. It is of typical brick construction with a tiled roof and cavity wall insulation.

As they began to explore opportunities it soon became evident that an Air Source Heat Pump was ideally suited to their requirement due to its performance and compactness. The Brooks Family chose an Air Source Heat Pump system from NIBE.

To further support the sustainability of the property, installers JM Renewable Solutions also specified solar panels to the roof and a NIBE water cylinder and Buffer tank to enable the property to have constant supply of hot water.

As a result of the installation it is estimated that with all savings from no longer purchasing LPG and payments generated from Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) the Brooks family will see payback for the system in just 4 years time.

JM’s Renewable Solution

The costs of LPG to heat this property were staggering and we were keen to work with the family to highlight the benefits of renewable heat systems and the savings they can generate,” said Ben Musgrave. at JM Renewables Ltd. “Mr Brooks had already seen a NIBE Air Source Heat Pump in situ and researched the suitability for his own home and we were happy to confirm and advise on the additional components to make the home even more energy sufficient and cost effective to heat.

“A NIBE F2040 (12kW) Air Source Heat Pump was installed and connected to the existing wet central heating system. In addition, a NIBE 300L Hot Water Cylinder and NIBE 100L Buffer Cylinder were added along with an SMO NIBE Controller. Connected to the roof top solar panels the property was then able to have its hot water cylinder removed and now enjoys piping hot water on demand and with a strong mains pressure. And, as NIBE VIP installers, we were able to offer a 7 year warranty on all installed NIBE equipment to our client.

Customer Testimonial Video


Installation was time efficient and has created additional benefits for the Brooks family freeing up space where the old boiler and tank were situated and providing an improved hot water service to the property.

Considerable cost savings have been made – energy bills are predicted to be less than half the ones from LPG, Feed in tariffs for 20 years will reduce this even further and Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) payments from the Government are as estimated – at £1400 per annum – and will more than pay for the installation of the system over the seven year period. The carbon footprint and the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) of the property will also both be improved significantly.


“The cost of running the LPG system in the first few months we lived in the property did come as a bit of a surprise and we knew we had to find an alternative. Small changes such as upgrading our roof insulation and changing our gas hob for an induction one made little difference and, when we were quoted £6,000 for a speculative survey to see if mains gas could be installed, we decided to explore the renewable solution. We opted for the NIBE system due to the positive reviews it receives and it being a tried and tested system.

“Our home can be a shining example to other LPG and oil users who want, or need, to reduce their energy bills and also to those who wish to have heating and hot water provided by a renewable energy source. The Air Source Heat Pump system is easily retro-fitted to existing properties with the minimum of fuss and disruption and we found the benefits were reaped immediately – piping hot water, powerful water pressure for showers and, from our smart meter, a daily cost reduction on our energy costs. Indeed, in the recent hot weather it has cost less than 50p per day!

“I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend such a system, NIBE for their products and JM Renewable Solutions for their knowledge and expert installation. Together they have unlocked the potential for homeowners across the UK to choose renewable energy systems in their properties and reap the benefits they deliver.”

Keith Brooks, Homeowner